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DNA Testing Services in Madison, AL - Verified Paternity Results

Get Fast and Trustworthy DNA Tests now.

Test We Offer

We Have a Wide Portfolio of Happy Clients

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DNA Tests in Madison, Alabama

Do you want to confirm or rule out whether the child you are carrying is from the possible father? Or do you want to determine whether your supposed family members are biologically related to you?

Our DNA Paternity Testing in Madison, AL has never been more precise. When it comes to genetic testing, our DNA testing service is a pioneer. Offering DNA paternity testing services that are precise, practical, reliable, and reasonable. Face DNA wants to make direct testing available throughout Madison, AL.

Choose Any DNA Test

Home Sibling Test Kit
$225 USD

Prenatal Noninvasive NIPP Test
$1695 USD

Legal DNA Testing
$350 USD

Non Legal DNA Testing
$199 USD

Basic Facial Package
$38 USD

Pro Facial Package
$63 USD

Legal Office Sibling Test
$400 USD

Non Legal Office Visit DNA Paternity Test
$250 USD

Have a look at our more DNA testing services

Highly Sensitive Legal Paternity Test in Madison

Legal paternity tests are significant because you may utilize the test findings in court, and we offer these services. A legal document that may be used in court is sent to you as soon as the outcomes of the court-ordered paternity test are confirmed.

Madison labs with AABB accreditation

The American Association of Blood Banks accredits our labs. Professionals with extensive training and understanding of collecting and managing blood samples are needed for these tests. As a result there is almost zero possibility of a blunder in our processes.

Rapid Test Results within 1–5 Days

Our Madison DNA testing provides the quickest capability. You can get your Paternity test results within the course of 2-3 days.

Madison Most Affordable Option for DNA Paternity Testing

When it comes to affordable paternity testing in Madison, AL no one can beat us in this capability.

Court-approved Paternity Test – Face DNA Test 

Entangled in an alleged father dispute?  The quest for paternity answers can be emotionally overwhelming. At Face DNA Test, we empathize with your journey and are dedicated to providing you with unwavering support and dependable results.

Our unparalleled court-approved paternity test boasts an astonishing accuracy rate of 99.99%, leaving no room for doubt. With such definitive results, you can navigate intricate legal processes with absolute confidence, ensuring the best outcomes for your family's welfare.

No need to fret about finding a convenient location. Our extensive network of over 6,000 facilities sprawls across the nation, making it easier than ever to take the next steps towards uncovering the truth. We're committed to making the process smooth and accessible for you, so you can focus on what matters most.

Types of DNA Tests You Will Encounter at Face DNA Test

In addition to our DNA paternity test, we are experts at: 

  • Non-invasive prenatal testing 
  • Court-admissible DNA testing 
  • Infidelity lab test 
  • Immigration testing 
  • Forensic lab test

Grandparent DNA Test (if the father is not available for testing)

Grandparent DNA Test (if the father is not available for testing)

Grandparent DNA Test (if the father is not available for testing)

Grandparent DNA Test (if the father is not available for testing)

DNA Testing Services at Your Doorstep

Facilitating You with fully certified DNA Lab Testing with highly authentic results in the most optimum way.

Why Choose Face DNA Test?

With a population of over 50,000 residents and counting, Madison has witnessed an impressive 15% growth rate in the last five years. This thriving community is composed of families, young professionals, and retirees, making it an ideal location for businesses to thrive.

Madison boasts a higher-than-average birth rate compared to other cities in Alabama, creating a demand for comprehensive DNA testing services. In the past year alone, there have been over 1,000 court-admissible cases reported in the area, where DNA testing played a crucial role in resolving legal disputes and establishing paternity.

To meet the growing demand for reliable DNA testing services here, we, at Face DNA Test, believe that establishing our state-of-the-art laboratory here is not just advantageous but essential. Our team of skilled scientists and technicians is committed to delivering accurate and confidential results, providing our customers with the answers they seek, all while ensuring utmost sensitivity and care.

So, ready to get to settle your disputes and alleviate your concerns once and for all? Approach us today!

How to schedule an appointment with Face DNA Test? 

Booking an appointment with Face DNA Test is a breeze, offering you two convenient options. You can either hop onto our website and use the user-friendly online appointment scheduling feature, or simply give a call to our dedicated customer service hotline.

DNA Test Kit 

Get our at-home testing kit to do DNA testing in the comfort of your home. It's user-friendly and available for purchase via our online store. Order yours now!

Unlock Your Health Insights with DNA Screening in Madison, Alabama

Madison, Alabama's foremost biotech innovator, is well-known for its savvy workforce and high-tech industry. Face DNA Test is now offering Madison locals revolutionary DNA-based health screening services that identify genetic vulnerabilities for prophylactic treatment in pursuit of that goal.

Assess Your Genetic Health Risks

A multitude of details about your health and illness risks depending on genetic factors is encoded in your genome. Our sophisticated DNA screening panels interpret this crucial information and recognize genetic alterations associated with a higher probability of developing serious diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's.

After quickly providing a saliva DNA sample, our lab examines your gene identifiers to look for variations linked to higher chances of getting specific illnesses. Your customized health screening report with important DNA insights on hereditary illness risks will come in a few days.

Being aware of these underlying health hazards encourages initiative. To stay ahead of genetic traits, our genetic health professionals assist in interpreting DNA findings and creating personalized wellness programs that include lifestyle modifications and preventative maintenance screening.

Optimize Medications via Pharmacogenomics

Over 100,000 people die in the US each year from adverse drug reactions, which are often brought on by genetic incompatibilities involving patients and prescription drugs. However, pharmacogenomic analysis ascertains how your DNA affects medication metabolism to avoid these mistakes.

Finding the best available prescription alternatives that align with your physiology is made available by analyzing gene polymorphisms that impact drug absorption, distribution, breakdown, and elimination. Working with experts to choose the safest, most efficient medications tailored to your system is made possible by the outcome of our tests.

Ongoing Consultations and Updates

The research that links DNA to illness is continually expanding. Face DNA Test offers free consultations to update health advice when new DNA information becomes available to keep Madison clients informed.

Our genetic health consultants deliver in-person, phone, and online consultations for revising risk assessments and preventive strategies using the most comprehensive gene-disease connections. Ongoing assistance enables making the best long-term decisions about one's health.

Face DNA Test Services

  • Health Risk DNA Screenings
  • Disease & Medicine Genetic Testing
  • Paternity & Ancestry Testing
  • Genealogical Relationship Mapping
  • Legal Court DNA Testing
  • Private At-Home DNA Test Kits

Contact the Madison location of the Face DNA Test right now to learn more about your genetic health and how to take preventive measures!

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Call us right now to arrange for our dependable crew to do DNA testing in Madison, AL with our reliable team!